Maths Home learning awards

Congratulations Harrison Matt and Tyler on achieving your Maths home learning certificates. 

Goodbye Jayla

We are very sad to be saying Goodbye to Jayla as she moves to Auckland with her family. We had a shared lunch to farewell her and to welcome Aidan and Chloe.  Tyler and his Mum came along and helped.

Jayla with her leaving certificate. 

We are best friends. 
We went to kindergarten together then to the same school. 

Term 2

We are very pleased to welcome Aidan and Chloe to our class this term.


Our new students Aidan and Chloe. We are really happy to have them in Room 19.

We had a great time learning Art skills with Neil Shaskey.









Neil has always loved art and painting. He has much teaching and speaking experience and greatly enjoys seeing children develop new skills.

Children work from models and/or projected images. They learn how to break down complex shapes into simple forms, and begin to get some understandings of anatomy. Children use sketching pencils, think about surface textures and to look for, and portray rich shadows. Children work from models and/or projected images. They learn how to break down complex shapes into simple forms, and begin to get some understandings of anatomy. Children use sketching pencils, think about surface textures and to look for, and portray rich shadows.