Term 3

Welcome back to the new Term. I hope everyone has had a good relaxing break away, ready for more learning and fun this Term.

Firstly, I would like to welcome Elon Scheuer to Room 19. Elon is transferring from Albany School. He has had a good first week with us already making numerous friends in a short time.

I would also like to congratulate Zach Wallace who earned his Bronze CARE Certificate.

This week we launched a new collaborative reading programme. This involves the children collaborating with children from Rooms 15, 16, 17 and 18. This has been a success and the children are getting more from their reading sessions, as it is more specific and targeted to their needs.

Breakout is also getting boost with Cooking Breakout starting this term. Cooking Breakout will be on every Thursday of the week.
Here are some photos from the first cooking session.
More exciting news coming soon!! Make sure to visit next week.

Term 2 Highlights

Term 2 Highlights 
Room 19

ANZAC Day (100th Anniversary)
We had an assembly to celebrate ANZAC Day. During assembly we learned to appreciate the sacrifices the ANZACs made so we can have freedom.
(What does freedom mean to me? It means everything.It gives me the freedom to yell at my brother when he annoys me. It gives me the freedom to eat my mum's spaghetti. It also gives me the right to believe in purple monkeys. It really means anything you can think of. It means everything.)                                                                                  By Mikayla Close

Physical Education

This term we learned how to throw (under-arm) and aim.

Here we are trying to throw a bean bag between our partner's legs.

Wigram Trip
During the term we also had the chance to visit the Air Force Museum. On our visit we learned that air is very important to us.


For maths we have been working really hard on counting up to 100. We also have been learning how to measure our height using blocks.

Here is Jude. He is 63 blocks tall.

Breakout and Specialty Programme
This term the Year 1 children has thoroughly enjoyed the collaboration across the year group.

 "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
Helen Keller

Cross Country
The Kakano Cross Country was a big success. Big congratulations to all the children who
worked really hard for this event.

Kakano Talent Quest

Big congratulations to Makaire, Kade, Anika, Caitlin and Lily for getting up on stage and performing in front of the whole school. Well done, everyone really enjoyed your performances.

Year 1 Shared Breakfast
To celebrate the finishing of term, we had a shared breakfast. What a great spread!!! Shared breakfast ended up being snack then lunch. YUM!!!!

Thank You for visiting! See you next term :)