Music Breakout

This term for Music Breakout, we have been learning our new School Song. It is called "Hope".
Here is the Senior Kapahaka group performing the school song.


Taitapu……te wāhi nei
Kō te kura Oaklands
Aue Aue
Kō mātou tamariki
E tū mai nei
Me ngā kaiako e awhi
Tō mātou ako
I ngā mea ō te Ao
Kia manawanui….nui
Taitapu .……te wāhi nei
Kō te kura Oaklands
Aue Aue
He aha te mea nui ō te Ao
He tangata,he tangata
Kō mātou …..ngā tāngata x2
( kimihia tō kaha x2 )

New Zealand Shake Out

Last Thursday, Oaklands School participated in the nation wide "Shake out". We  learned that no matter where we are or what we are doing, we need to stop, drop and do the turtle shape in case of an earthquake.

Here is Room 19 in action.

Art Murals

During Term 3, the whole school was working on producing Art Murals. To produce the murals each class had to collaborate with others. Rooms 18 and 19 work with Rooms 5 and 6. Here is the mural we produced.

Our mural represents the transition from Kakano to Kauri.

Here are some of the murals on display.

Come and visit Oaklands School to see them in person :)

Teacher's Band

Last Term, Oaklands School was very lucky to get a SUPERSTAR band visit and perform during an assembly. The performance was exciting and jaw-dropping. We hope they come back to visit soon.

Fine Motor Group

Specialty Breakout Monday

This Term, the Fine Motor Group has been working on getting our grip stronger. To achieve this we have been doing activities that gets our hands stronger.

Here we are in action.

Mask Making

Marble Painting

Cue-tip Painting


For fitness this Term we have been learning how to skip rope.

We learned how to:
  1. Find the right size skipping rope.
  2. Measure a skipping rope.
  3. And of course SKIP.