Room 19 Writing

WALT write a recount which has answers to some of the questions- where? when/ who? why? what?

I went to boys brigade. It was fun. It was raining. My brother came too. When I got home I  had ice cream. When I went to sleep I had a balloon in my hand but when I woke up it wasn't there!

I got a lego movie and a minion. I love them both. I have got a lego city. It is fun playing with them. I love playing with them because they are cool and it makes me feel excited.

I went to the museum. I saw interesting things like dinosaur bones and giant spiders. It was so much fun. 

I got a bracelet before school. It is a flower one with a disco ball. It is so cool. I love bracelets. They are fun to wear. My flower one is blue and purple. 

WALT write an  imaginative story that starts with "Once upon a time".
Once upon a time there was a kind and thoughtful princess who lived with her king and queen. They lived at a castle. A mean witch  talked to the king and demanded that all the spinning wheels be destroyed. However one wasn't!  When the little girl was grown up the mean witch said that she had to touch the spinning wheel. She did! When she touched it she fell into a deep sleep.
Emma W. 

Once upon a time there was a boy and one day he was walking down the road to the shop. He went to the shop then he saw a face and guess who it was - it was Hugo! The boy organised to have a play date with Hugo for the next day. They had so much fun together. After the play date the boy went home and he helped his Mum to cook tea. That was fun too. Then the boy went to bed. When he woke up he got ready for school then he went to school and met all his friends.  He had fun at school learning and playing. ( The boy's name was really Dylan!)

Once upon a time there was a little girl and her name was Sleeping Beauty. When she was just  born she was very small then she grew bigger and bigger.  She was a very happy girl and she had lots of friends.

WALT retell a story that we have been reading.

Mr McQuire had some eggs. The eggs hatched so he tried to feed the chickens, bugs, beetles and  spiders. The chickens wouldn't eat any of that. They chanted " We want chicken burgers, we want chicken burgers". So he gave them chicken burgers. They ate so many that they grew and grew until they were humungous. They became even bigger than Mr McQuire! FANCY THAT!  

More stories will come tomorrow. 

Writing Level 1 advanced

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English: Written LanguageLevel indicator
Poetic Writing: Personal Experience
My First Try

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About the Exemplars
Progress indicators

What the work shows Curriculum links The learning context Where to next
What the work showsTaka successfully engages the audience with a fast-paced and honest "slice of life". His use of the present tense and a variety of sentence beginnings, within a relatively short piece of writing, helps to maintain the momentum.
Deeper feature characteristics of this exemplarEnglish exemplar of student work: My First Try

Expectations at Oaklands

Year LevelAssessmentWell BelowBelowAtAbove
After 40 weeksE- Asttledictated text toisolated words1Blevel 1 P /1A

not simple sentences

After 80 Weeks

E-AsTTle Pre Writing Level 1 basic Level 1P/1ALevel 2B

Writing at Level 1 proficient

View the Written Language exemplars View the Visual Language exemplars View the Oral Language exemplarsEnglish exemplars homepage
English: Written LanguageLevel indicator
Poetic Writing: Personal Experience
On My Own

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Progress indicators

What the work shows Curriculum links The learning context Where to next
What the work showsVincent has elaborated on a simple idea that is obviously important to him. The piece has a strong personal message that is conveyed clearly.
Deeper feature characteristics of this exemplarEnglish exemplar of student work: On My OwnSurface feature characteristics of this exemplar

Writing at Level 1 Beginning

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English: Written LanguageLevel indicator
Poetic Writing: Personal Experience
I Fell Off My Bike

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About the Exemplars
Progress indicators

What the work shows Curriculum links The learning context Where to next
What the work showsSamuel is able to convey clearly his thoughts and feelings about an important personal experience to his audience. He is beginning to expand the details of his thinking by providing some supporting ideas. He is able to convey some key content words by recording their dominant sounds.
Deeper feature characteristics of this exemplarEnglish exemplar of student work: I Fell Off My BikeSurface feature characteristics of this exemplar